Tim "Silver
Feet" Waterson

Tim hands away the Championship belt to
the new WFD Champ and World Record holder
Mike 'Machine' Mallais
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada's,
5’ 10" Tim Waterson held his record
longer than any other WFD champ. You might say that Tim has the
record for the longest held WFD record! Tim held his World Record
of 1,030 Bass Drum Single Stroke's in 60 Seconds
for 6 years. Additionally, Tim impressed drum celebrities Rikki
Rocket, Gregg Bissonette, John Blackwell, Mark Craney, Virgil
Donati, Myron Grombacher, Doane Perry, Zoro, Richie Garcia, Mark
Shulman, Johnny Rabb, Jon 'Bermuda' Swartz, Bryan Hitt, Glenn
Sobel, Mike Mangini, and Glenn Noyes when
he set a World Record for Doubles during the
2002 WFD World Finals held at The Musician's Institute
in January 2002. Tim's feat (or feet in this case!) was captured
by XSTV and aired on Fox Sports
channel! Tim has also appeared on the Big Breakfast show
in Canada and on the Discovery Channel. Finally,
Tim's hands are also no laughing matter as his Battle of the Hands
score is 1,008 Single Strokes in 60 Seconds.
When asked how his involvement
in WFD has impacted himself and/or others, Tim comments, “Being
in the WFD has allowed me to share my foot techniques with other
drummers and has given me the opportunity to perform in front
of my drum heroes and be accepted as part of the drum community.
Working with the drumometer pushes you but also helps you clean
up your playing It is extremely addictive it and a great drumming
accessory for all drummers.”
Hometown: Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Height: 5' 10"
Weight: 140 lbs.
Years Drumming: 30
Hobbies/Interest: Writing and performing
music and video, harassing Jim Chapin with his Camcorder
Years in WFD: Since 2000
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