"Bad Boy" Davis

Houma, Louisiana's, Seth
Davis first met up with the WFD when he and his father,
Jerry Davis, drove 320 miles to Houston, Texas so that Seth could
compete in the 2002 Warped Tour. Seth had the Battle of the Hands
Daily High Score in Houston with a score of 951 Singles, but unfortunately,
had to leave before the prizes were awarded at 5:00 when he received
a call that his wife had gone into labor!
Seth currently holds the World’s
Fastest Hands Record for DOUBLES as
he set a NEW WORLD RECORD of 1,200 Doubles
in 60 seconds at the 2004 Summer NAMM Session in Nashville,
TN! When asked how his involvement in WFD has impacted himself
and/or others, Seth says, "First, it cleans up your playing
and has helped with students of all ages. Second, it has gotten
me world wide name recognition, and finally it has introduced
me to a lot of great players, who are now good friends of mine.
We are a brotherhood of friends, even though we are from all different
parts of the world. For
anyone who has not tried the Drumometer, you don’t know
what you are missing. It's an absolute blast and you will improve
your timing, speed etc. while having fun and learning."
Hometown: Houma, Louisiana
Height: 6' 0"
Weight: 195 lbs.
Years Drumming: 18
Hobbies/Interest: Jogging, spending
time with girlfriend (ask her why he's called "Bad Boy"!)
and with his son.
Years in WFD: 4
Current WFD Records: Match Grip Doubles
- 1,200
In memory of Jerry
Davis 1945-2003
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