Miramichi, New Brunswick’s
Mike "Machine" Mallais began playing drums at the age
of two on a Sears catalogue drum set called Blue Thunder. By the
age of four Mike had destroyed that drum set and began using his
grandmother’s knitting pins on everything and anything he
could find as replacements for his demolished kit. His parents,
with grandmother’s approval, finally invested in a real
drum kit for him.
He immediately focused on
the Heavy Metal genre, with its fast and furious drum styling.
In first grade, Mike had been studying Metal for two years and
had a handle on the drum techniques of classic metal bands such
as; Iron Maiden, Ozzy and Metallica. Mike became obsessed with
these three bands, learning even the finest detail about them
and their drummers. Metal was his initial passion to the true
sense of the word.
Mike Machine is adept in a
multiple of genres and is a multi-instrumentalist and world-class
drummer. He was the session drummer on Red Ochre’s most
recent album "Spirit Of Dreams,” and performed with
East Coast Music Award winners “George Paul and the Red
Ochre Band.” His astounding foot speed enabled him to win
. The
2005 Maritime WFD Champion - Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada,
. The
2006 Canadian WFD Champion - Quebec City, Quebec, Canada,
. The
2007 WFD Winter World Finals Battle of the Feet Champ –
Anaheim, California,
. The
World’s Fastest Drummer (Battle of the Feet category),
and his passion and focus combined with his natural skill and
determination will ensure that he reaches his ultimate goal of
becoming a full time touring/recording musician.
Hometown: Miramichi, New Brunswick, Canada
Year of Birth: 1979
Years Drumming: Since 1981
Hobbies/Interest: Heavy Metal, creating an institute
of drumming to benefit drummers
Years in WFD: Since 2005
Current WFD Records: 60 Second Single Strokes
Feet (1,034), 5 Minute Single Strokes Feet (4,595), 15 Minute
Single Strokes Feet (13,309)
Websites: www.mikemachine.ca